What is the European Publishers Council?
The European Publishers Council (EPC) is a high-level group of Chairmen and CEOs of Europe’s leading media groups representing companies which are active in news media, television, radio, digital market places, journals, eLearning, databases and books.
We have been communicating with Europe’s legislators since 1991 on issues that affect the health and viability of journalistically-driven media and publishing companies in the European Union which uphold the freedom of expression, media diversity, and democratic debate.
The digital transformation is well on the way to delivering successful publishers and broadcasters of the future across the European Union. Our members have embraced the transition from print and analogue to digital, building highly diversified companies which take advantage of all that digital technology offers. Innovation and leadership combine to build transformative publishing and media platforms delivering news, opinion, information, sport and entertainment. Revenues from subscriptions, from our digital market places and advertising support our investment in journalism and entertainment for a sustainable future of independently funded media in Europe.
The news media sector is diverse and highly ethical, one that underpins democracy, one that is highly innovative and embracing change; and one that has integrity and independence at its core. EPC members demonstrate optimism about their place in society, where the values of a free and independent press still come through clearly as the drivers for media business leaders today.
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